Do you want to stop drinking?

If you want to stop drinking but find you cannot quit or have little control over the amount you drink, Alcoholics Anonymous can help

Want to Stop Drinking?

Learn about how others solved their drinking problem…

Want to Stop Drinking?

Is AA for Me?
Self Assessment
FAQs about AA
Helpful Literature
Contact Us

Information About AA

Get details about AA’s peer mentoring program of recovery. This is the original twelve step program

Public Information

What is AA? Organization and Self-Support, Myths, Anonymity, What to expect from a meeting

For Professionals

Resources for professionals who work with alcoholics. The solution comes from understanding the problem

For Professionals

What AA Does &
Doesn’t Do
Professionals are…
The AA Approach
Visit a Meeting
Request a Speaker
Mandated Attendance?

Get Involved & Stay Connected

Service keeps us sober!
Get involved and help keep you and your group connected with the AA fellowship

Get Involved

Connect Your Meeting
District Information
ECO Newsletter
How to Get Involved
Service Opportunities
Connect with our Service Workers

Central Office Services

Learn what we do at Central Office and how you can help carry the message

Central Office Services

About Central Office
Announcements Bookstore
Calendar Events
Self Support
What is Intergroup?

What is AA?

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Worried About Your Drinking?

Only you can decide whether you want to give Alcoholics Anonymous a try—whether you think it can help you. Admitting you might need help, or admitting that you’re an alcoholic, takes courage. To help you understand whether AA may be right for you take the Self Assessment – a set of questions about our drinking we tried to answer honestly.

Worried About Your Drinking?

There is a solution…

Help Lines

Call 780-424-5900 to speak to a sober alcoholic. The Edmonton Help Line is available from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. Information on other Help lines in Alberta is available here…

Meeting Space

Edmonton Central Office includes a meeting space for hosting a variety of different meetings: District meeting, Service Committee meeting, or maybe a Home Group Inventory? Contact us for more information.

AA Literature

Edmonton’s Central Office sells a wide variety of AA General Service Conference-approved literature. They also maintain an inventory of medallions for sale to our membership.

Bridging the Gap

Edmonton Central Office actively supports the Bridging the Gap program (sponsored by the Treatments & Accessibility Committee) which connects alcoholics transitioning out of treatment facilities with AA members.

Speak At a PI/CPC Event?

Attend an event to find out if this type of 12 step work is something you would like to do!
Check out PI or CPC events here and sign-up to participate at one of them. Click for more info

Announcements Page

Keep up with what’s happening with other AA groups and committees in the Edmonton AA service area, as well as other AA news items at the Area 78 and AA World Service levels.

Tradition 7

We are self-supporting through our own contributions. Please consider a contribution for you or for your group.

Connect Your Meeting

Need to make a meeting change? List a new meeting or register as a trusted servant? Or maybe you need to get a special message out to the rest of our fellowship? Each of these actions help our local fellowship stay connected with you and your group!

Update Your Meeting

Update Your Meeting

Get details on how to make changes to your meeting so that it displays just the way you want it both here and in GSO’s Meeting Guide App.

List Your New Meeting

List Your New Meeting

Read up on how to get your new meeting information listed here and in GSO’s Meeting Guide App.

Register a Trusted Servant

Trusted Servant

Register your contact information with us here at Central Office when you are elected to a service position for your group.

Post an Event

Post an Event

Find out how you can get your upcoming events posted on our website calendar.

Post an Announcement

Post an Announcement

Get your non-date related message posted on our website announcements page.

About the ECO News…

The Edmonton Central Office (ECO) is a vital service of the Edmonton Area Intergroup Committee that assists us in carrying out our primary purpose of helping the alcoholic who still suffers. Our monthly newsletter serves as a conduit to provide information about meetings, service opportunities, finances at Central Office, and of course upcoming events. We want to communicate information about anything that might be of interest to our AA members, their families, and those in our community who have a desire to stop drinking.

If you would like to contribute to the Newsletter or have ideas on how it could be improved, please drop our editor an email at

Get the latest ECO News free in your inbox!

Upcoming Events

This web site observes all AA’s practices and principles. Since anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, we practice anonymity at all times. A web site is a public medium which has the potential for reaching the broadest possible audience. Therefore, it requires the same safeguards that we use at the level of press, radio and film.

Upcoming Meetings

Time Meeting Location Region
5:30 pm 84th Street New Beginnings Into AA
Optimum Auto Service Building
6:00 pm Grupo 11 De Febrero De 2006
82 Street and 118 Avenue
7:00 pm Tuesday Night At Seven
Bethel Lutheran Church
Sherwood Park
7:00 pm Walking the Beam
Iron Workers Local 720 Hall
7:00 pm Young and Old
Recovery Acres Society
7:00 pm ISMs
South Edmonton Fellowship Centre
7:30 pm Beaumont – How It Works
Beaumont Community Church
7:30 pm Bring Your Own Big Book
Bring Your Own Big Book Online
7:30 pm Step 11 Evening Meditation
Step 11 Evening Meditation
7:30 pm South Bound Fellowship
Ellerslie Baptist Church

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