Service Opportunities

By our Twelve Steps we have recovered, by our Twelve Traditions we have unified, and through our Third Legacy — Service — we shall carry the AA message down through the corridors of time to come.

AA Co-Founder, Bill W., November 1951

The primary purpose of Edmonton Intergroup (EI) is to help inform the greater community about AA and alcoholism so that those who need help can find recovery from alcoholism.
EI is an organization created and sustained by the AA groups in Edmonton and the surrounding area.

Member Support Means the World to the Still Suffering Alcoholic…..

Service Committees
Giving Back What Was Freely Given

AA members, recovered alcoholics, give back freely to help the still suffering alcoholic. Giving back what was freely given.

AA service committees work to ensure the AA message reaches people who may need it. Many alcoholics first hear AA’s message of hope thanks to the work of the volunteers on these committees.

Edmonton Intergroup has many opportunities to provide valuable service, that allows the hand of Alcoholics Anonymous to always be there.

Click on each opportunity below for further details…

Office Volunteer

Office volunteers provide help to the suffering alcoholic by staffing shifts in our office to help with answering the phone, and/or responding to those who walk-in looking for assistance. They focus on providing information to those with a drinking problem or those looking to get help for a loved one.

These Volunteers also help produce meeting schedules by stapling, cutting and folding printed sheets. They may help tend the bookstore and assist with other office related duties.

12 Step Volunteer

12-Step Volunteers provide a rapid response to callers to our Hotline.
Twelfth Step Calls today are no different than they were in 1935. They are still two or more alcoholics coming together to have a conversation with a newcomer about recovery from alcoholism. Carrying the message to the newcomer be it face to face or virtually, the message remains the same.

PI / CPC Committee

The Public Information (PI) Committee members in AA have the responsibility of carrying the message of recovery to the still-suffering alcoholic by informing the general public about alcoholism and the AA program.

The Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) Committee helps to inform professional communities about the AA program of recovery— what AA is and how it works.

Intergroup Representative

The responsibility for maintaining the existence of Edmonton Intergroup (EI) rests with the groups. Therefore, each Group should name an Intergroup Representative (IGR) and an Alternate (Alt-IGR) to serve a specified term as the connecting link between their Group and EI.

The IGR’s help best direct the actions of EI and its primary purpose, carrying the message of recovery to the community

Edmonton Intergroup Chair

Facilitates the monthly EI Business Meeting and chairs the monthly COB / EI Committee Chairs’ Meeting. The EI Chair attends the monthly Central Office Board (COB) Meeting. The EI Chair works on projects to improve cohesive interaction and communications between EI and AA Group members in the many Districts of Area 78 committed to support of EI.

Central Office Board

Edmonton Intergroup (EI) is registered in Alberta as “Edmonton Central Office Society”, a not-for-profit tax-exempt organization. Its Board of six (6) Directors is responsible for the legal and financial operations of the organization, management of paid staff, and oversight of EI. The Central Office Board (COB) is made up of AA service members who care about the financial side of our Central Office, enabling the Service Committee’s the freedom to help carry the message.

Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap committee members help alcoholics leaving a correctional or treatment facility become acquainted with AA and attend AA meetings in their community. Bridging the Gap helps the newcomer make the transition from institution to the AA community.

Service Sponsorship

A Service Sponsor is an alcoholic in recovery who shares their service experience with an alcoholic who takes a service commitment in one of the many service entities within Alcoholics Anonymous.
Service sponsors serve as a guide when starting new service positions as well as help explain the service structure of AA.

Intergroup Newsletter

Help get the word out by joining our EI Communication Services newsletter team.

The Edmonton Central Office Newsletter (ECO News) is published monthly and is produced by our Newsletter Editor, with assistance and contributions from ECO staff and EI members. ECO News helps EI carry the message of recovery to alcoholics by informing members of special events, service opportunities, EI business, and other news of interest.

General Service Representative

The General Service Representative (GSR) is the link between a group and “AA as a whole.” This link becomes a channel through which news, information, opinions and ideas can flow back and forth.
Importantly, this also gives the group a voice in the affairs of the Fellowship. The GSR is that voice.

Other Service Committees

Edmonton & Area has a full slate of AA Service committees. Check out our committee listings here for details on how you can help carry the message…


Members of AA protect their anonymity

  • to protect the AA organization, their professional and private lives, the lives of other alcoholics, and most importantly, those seeking help with their drinking problem: the newcomer
  • Your anonymity will be protected. AA does not keep information on their members nor track or record who contacts them
For more information, visit our page on anonymity